Head Of The Discipline

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Head Of The Discipline

Head Of The Discipline

Head Of The Discipline

    • Avi Abeceedon Dan 10, Head and Chairman of the Kami Association, received the First Black Belt award that was issued by the founder of K.A.M.I – Eli Avikzar.
    • From the inauguration of KAMI and for a period of 15 years, Avi Avisadon acted as Deputy to the Founder Eli Avikzar, and after his death in 2004 was appointed Head of the Organization.
    • Avi has been active in the profession of “Krav Maga” and “Krav Magen” for over 40 years. Up to Rank of Dan 4, he received from the founder of Krav Maga “Imi” Lichtenfeld and his instructor Eli Avikzar. His 5th Dan to 7th Dan was received from the Founder Eli Avikzar.
    • Avi hold the following Diplomas from the Wingate Institute:
    • · “Krav Maga” Instructor from the Wingate School of Coaches
    • · “Coach in Martial Arts” from the Wingate School of Coaches
    • · “Senior Teacher in Martial Arts” from the School of the Academic College at Wingate.
    • During his military service, Mr. Abeceedon was Deputy Head of the “Krav Maga” section in the Israeli Defence Forces, and then furthered his scope to take charge of the Israeli Naval Commando Elite force in tactical and combat Self-Defence. During this period he also trained a number of other Elite units in the field of “Krav Maga”.
    • In 1992-1996 Mr. Abeceedon commanded 25 instructors who taught and trained security guards for all the Educational Institutions in Israel. He also gave seminars to Female Instructors that teach self-defence in Israeli schools. From 1991 Mr. Avisadon teaches Self-Defence courses of “Krav Magen” at the Wingate College.
    • Since 2002 Mr. Abeceedon coordinates all “Krav Magen” courses for security guards for the Ministry of Transportation, the Port Authorities in Haifa and Eilat, the Ministry of Postal Services and the Israeli College for Security and Investigation.
    • Mr. Avi Abeceedon is also involved in preparing personal security for dignitary and political persons both in Israel and Abroad. He is also in contact with the Heads of various communities in Russia with regards to security issues.
    • Avi coordinates all aspects of Martial Arts at the Academic College at Wingate, which includes all recognized Martial Arts. In this capacity he runs yearly or condensed courses for Coaches, Instructors and Senior Coaches. For more information
    • Avi nowdays supervises the self defence program os the prsion services and gives them extra education.
    • Avi`s vision to strengthen Krav Magen in Israel and around the world.

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  • 대표 : 정연민
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  • 고유번호 : 551-82-00349
  • 전화 : 010-4466-7330
  • E-mail : dkkravmaga@naver.com
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