크라브마가 창시자 이미에게 첫 번째 블랙벨트를 수여받은 엘리 아비크자가 만들었고 현재는 아비 아비시돈(윈게이트 칼리지 체육 무술 총괄 담당교수, IDF 크라브마가 교관)이 협회장으로 활동 하고 있다. 카미는 이스라엘의 크라브마가 협회 중 하나이며 창립자 엘리는 이미의 첫 번째 제자이고 IDF의 두 번째 크라브마가 담당교관이였다. (크라브마가 창시자가 IDF의 첫 번째 크라브마가 담당교관이였다.)
About K.A.M.I - Israeli Krav Magen Association
엘리 아비크자(Eli Avikzar)
아비 아비시돈(Avi Avisidon)
정연민(크라브마겐 한국대표)
- K.A.M.I. - Israeli Krav Magen Association, an Israeli Martial Art, has been embraced by the Israeli Ministry of Education, the IDF – Israel Defence Force, Police, "Na'amat" (Women's organization), as well as Internationally recognized by experts in the field.
- The technique is based on natural movements of the body and excels in being simple, fast and efficient. The first part of the method - Self Defense, develops the ability to defend against violent attacks, and is designed for men, women, children or elderly. Whereas the second part - Krav Magen (Defensive Battle) is meant to train people who are forced to deal with hand-to-hand combat in their line of duty, whether armed or not.
- Krav Magen self-defense training courses comprise of key components in designing the human psyche. They enhance self-confidence and courage, teach trainees how to remain cool headed, self-disciplined and self restrained for the rest of their life. While practicing K.A.M.I, the trainees learn the following techniques which include various blows and kicks, defense methods against all kinds of blows and kicks, how to break free from various holds (strangulation, lock grips etc.) and dealing with an opponent armed with light weapons and fire arms. Further more, they are trained in singular and multiple opponent combats.
- The K.A.M.I. foundation was founded in 1989 by Eli Avikzar (RIP), who holds a Red belt (Dan 10) and a Black belt (Dan 1) in Aikido and Judo. He was the first in the world to achieve a Black belt in Krav Maga (Contact Fight). Eli Avikzar served as head of the I.D.F (Israeli Defense Force) Krav Maga section for 12 years, during which he trained some 80,000 male soldiers and some 12,000 female soldiers.
- After Eli Avikzars death in 2004, Avi Avisidon was appointed as the Head of KAMI. Avi Avisadon holds a Red Belt (Dan 10), and was the first Black Belt awarded by the Founder.
- K.A.M.I - For developing the qualities of body and soul.
- K.A.M.I - For gaining self confidence and self defense ability in any situation.
- K.A.M.I - A simple and efficient combat technique.
- K.A.M.I - Is suitable for all ages. Simplicity: activating a simple natural movement creates a fast movement.
- A fast movement creates power. The use of a basic and comfortable movement makes it suitable for every person, strong, weak, tall, short, fat, thin, fast or disabled. The phrase "I can't" does not exist. K.A.M.I. adjusts itself to the altering state of the street and to immediate modern contemporary dangers. K.A.M.I. renews and improves, adds and revises exercises to find solutions to a changing environment. In practice, the exercises are short and efficient and all is permitted in a self defence move to save ones life.
- "Minimum movement against Maximum movement becomes minimum defense against maximum offense"
- K.A.M.I. holds 40 clubs in Israel and some 3500 trainees from the age of 5 up to and including elderly people, boys, girls, men and women whom among them are disabled people who find their place with K.A.M.I. due to the simplicity of the moves and adjustment of exercises to their limitations. Most disabled trainees report an improvement in movement and coordination. K.A.M.I. trainees note that the method's accumulating knowledge enlightens, deters violence and above all improves their personal safety and self assurance.